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As a designer at MG Design, we were in a bid scenario with Agropur Ingredients. Fortunately, we won them as a client and continue to design, fabricate and ship their entire trade show program.

As the designer, I went through many concepts and rounds of creative direction-- A kind of client that only knows what they want when they see it. We began our process with inspiration photos and style board imagery, eventually coming to the conclusion they wanted a mixture of "scientific lab" and "natural food products" look and feel. Along with this style, they were launching a new brand that now had three
separate divisions under one umbrella, so it was important to get graphics, color scheme and their logo apparent in each section.

Once a style direction was chosen and all of the functionality requirements laid out, we went forward with multiple floor plan sketches... Our strategy being to start at a 20' x 20' space with the thought being we can always expand and grow the space to make it more modular. Once a floor plan was narrowed down, we went into three dimensional sketching and then first round renders.

So after a couple weeks of collaboration, we landed on a design that the client loved (and still loves to this day). They continue to use the design in a variety of configurations and sizes throughout their year's program. It's been so rewarding hearing the client's happiness with the design and to see it come up and down in so many configurations. 

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